Monetize School Notes

Monetize School Notes

Monetize School Notes

Stuvia website homepage

Method Stats:

  • Prerequisites: a computer or mobile device, well-structured school notes
  • Best for: high school and college students
  • Potential income: $2-$30/document

Selling school notes is an easy way for students to earn cash immediately. The notes should be complementary study documents that contain general but useful information, like flashcards, summaries, or study guides.

Do not commit academic misconduct or plagiarism when selling school notes. For example, avoid uploading photos of upcoming tests or distributing copyrighted material.

Although you can sell both digital and handwritten notes, the former is easier to structure and read.

Here are some popular platforms for selling school notes:

  • Stuvia. This popular study material marketplace takes a 30% commission for every sale.
  • Docmerit. This platform lets you earn up to 85% of your earnings per sale.
  • NoteXchange. This site lets people sell school notes for $5-$40+ and earn a 100% commission for every sale if they are affiliates.

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